
Rent this movie for 30 Days

Once you buy our movie, you have 30 days to watch it. During the 30 days, you are allowed to pause and come back whenever you want. You can watch the movie for as many as five times during the 30 day rental.


Make Money with 30 Days

How to watch 30 Days for Free and Make Money to Boot.

Thank God for social network, the studios no longer control the destiny of independent film makers.

Today, anyone can make a movie and share the profits with his audience. That is our goal with 30 Days. This decision is very simple, instead of spending all our money on marketing, or splitting it with the movie studios, we’ve decided to give it to our audience.

This is a partnership that we believe is win win. When was the last time you went to the movies and got paid? With 30 Days, the amount of money you can make is limited only by your desire to connect with your friend, family and others on Facebook, Tweeter, Pinterest, Google Plus and other social networks.

You can start making money immediately you click to watch the movie. So that by the time you are done watching the movie, the links you send out are already generating money for you. So in essence, you get to watch 30 Days for Free.

Once you click the watch button, click on share, our website generates a unique code specifically for you. You can then share this code with your friends on the social network. Every time someone one clicks to watch 30 Days from your code you the get 20% of the ticket price. Or $1.00 So if you have 3,000 friends on your face book, and all of them watch 30 Days due to your effort, you get paid $3,000. How’s that for watching just one movie. It’s our way of saying thank you for helping us to spread the news.